Berlin 7: Spandau 2

Inside the fortress at Spandau is this tower, presumably designed as a lookout, which give a 360 degree view around the area, though you have to climb a lot of steps. There are also some other viewpoints, and I cannot recall which the several pictures here were taken from.

As well as some pictures taken with the 35mm equivalent Fuji X100, I also used the 90mm f2.8 Elmar on the Leica M8. It gives a rather small image frame in the viewfinder, but the images are fine. The M8 has an unusual size sensor, APS-H at27x18mm, which gives a 1.33x crop factor, making the 90mm into a 120mm equivalent lens. I think the 90mm is the only Leitz lens I ever bought new, to use with my Minolta CLE, and is small and light, tapering from the body. Leica kept this lens in production for around 25 years, mainly like mine in Canada. It had a rather silly rubber lens hood combined with a UV filter, one of Leica’s few design failures (the Leica M8 was another.) Optically it remains one of the best – and much more usable with a suitable adapter on a mirrorless camera from Fuji or any Micro 4/3 camera with viewing through the lens and a magnified focus.

Eventually we made our way out of the fortress and back into the town of Spandau, which has a number of historical buildings, before making our way back into the centre of Berlin.

More from Berlin to follow shortly.

Previous Berlin post


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