Archive for July, 2012

Freedom & Hoffman

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

I don’t often start posts by declaring an interest. Of course if I wasn’t interested in something I wouldn’t bother to write, one of the joys of editing your own publication.  But not just that kind of interest.

I’m going to write about a controversy that involves a photographer, David Hoffman, who I know. We bump into each other regularly photographing events and often have a good chat. We belong to the same NUJ branch, and share many views, though of course I don’t always agree with him, and he may well not agree with some of what I say in this post and might prefer me not to write about it. Secondly, both he and I are photographers and share a basic understanding of the problems of people trying to make a living through photography.

Hoffman has for many years been photographing fascist and anti-fascist activity on the streets of the UK. Like me when doing so he has regularly been threatened by fascists, threatened with arrest by the police and also sometimes threatened by anti-fascists. Also like me, at times he has been protected by police, and probably like me, occasionally by anti-fascists and even sometimes by right-wing stewards.

Working on the streets as a photographer you are not always welcome, although I think that I am always working in the public interest. But at times people are breaking the law or intending to and don’t wish to be photographed as photographs could provide evidence – though little enough if you mask up and don’t wear easily identifiable clothing.

[I heard on Saturday that a picture stolen from my web site by police was being used in court to try to identify someone who had taken part in a particular action from the clothes he was wearing. It was being used without my knowledge or permission –  I would have refused to supply it without a court order – and without me to back it up should be evidentially worthless.]

On several occasions I’ve had requests from anarchists and others charged with offences at protests to supply pictures of the events concerned for use in their defence in court. I’ve always done so if I have them – without any charge. I suspect Hoffman has a similar policy, though I’ve not talked to him about it. I also often allow various unfunded groups I’m in sympathy with to use pictures in fliers and leaflets for free. But if people are selling publications or paying staff to work on them, then I’ll expect to get paid too. I’ve been an active trade unionist all my working life, and expect to get a fair payment for my work.

Making a living as a photographer isn’t easy, certainly not if your subject matter is the kind of things that Hoffman and I are interested in – the list  on his web site is: “social issues … covering more than 30 years. Drug use, policing, disorder, racism, riots, youth, prostitution, protest, homelessness, housing, environmental demonstrations & events, waste disposal, alternative energy & pollution.” I think neither of us do what we do for the money, though of course we do need money to do it and to live, but because we see it as the most effective way that we personally can act politically. Were we interested in money we’d be chasing celebrities or taking weddings or working in advertising or fashion; given the current preoccupations of the media, the kind of work we do is now more like a vow of poverty.

That ‘more than 30 years’ on his statement is important. Many days I cover events that I know will not get sales, at least not until perhaps I get a museum interested in them in twenty years time, or someone wants to use them in a book.  The stock built up over the years is the nearest thing most photographers have to a pension plan.

Twenty years ago when you wanted your work to be used in a publication you sent a press print. Typically it was an 8×10 glossy or semi-gloss black and white. Most photographers wrote or stamped their name on the back, usually with a copyright message and a caption. Often too you put on labels or stamps such as “No Use without Payment” and insisting on return of the print after use (though they seldom came back.)

Hoffman supplied quite a few pictures to a group called Anti-Fascist Action, allowing them to publish these in their news sheets. AFA kept hold of the prints, but the photographer retained the copyright – and it lasts until 70 years after his death, as in all ‘artistic works.’

Freedom Press decided to publish a book,  Beating the Fascists: the untold story of Anti-Fascist Action, covering their activities from 1985. It’s been described as an important part of working class history, and it isn’t being given away, but is selling for £15 a copy.

Unfortunately, in what they describe in Freedom as “a stupid mistake by us” they used a number of pictures by Hoffman to tell that working class history without bothering to ask his permission.  It’s perhaps a measure of the lack of respect for photography in general that anyone would think of publishing any photograph in a book without at least asking the photographer for permission, any more than you would quote a large chunk from another book or a pop song. It’s not just a legal matter, it’s also a moral one.

It’s really rather more than ‘a stupid mistake’ for a publisher, perhaps criminal irresponsibility would be nearer the mark, something that in a commercial company would result in summary dismissal. Freedom say the authors supplied the images as if that was an excuse, but of course it was up the the publisher to check that they had the rights needed to print them. Unsurprisingly, finding his work included in a publication on sale, Hoffman put in a request for payment for the use of his work.

[Without knowing the print run, the number and size of pictures used I am unable to comment on the amount Freedom eventually agreed to pay of £4000. The NUJ Freelance Fees Guide suggests a fee for pictures used in books published in the UK only varying from £60 for a small image to £130 for a full page, with £260 for a cover image, and it is normal practice to double charges for unauthorised usage. Hoffman may well have taken union advice on the matter, and they would certainly have encouraged him to make a claim. UK law restricts such claims to reasonable levels of charges, unlike the US where damages can be punitive.]

Of course if they had thought it would be cheaper they could have gone to court to argue the amount, and there are several different stories about negotiations between Hoffman and Freedom over the sum. In my experience photographers react reasonably if publications admit a mistake and quickly promise to pay but will hold out for more if publishers try to evade payment or argue about responsibility. Unfortunately cases of unauthorised use of photographs by the press etc are not uncommon, although this one involves more images than most.

Freedom first published a magazine in 1866, though it has stopped and restarted at least a couple of time since then. I bought a few copies many years ago, but soon gave up and it now only has around 300 subscribers, not enough to keep a print publication running, even though it gets printed free by Aldgate Press.

Freedom has been running at a loss for years, only kept going by a “significant donation in 2005” which has enabled them to put off what must surely be a decision to convert entirely to on-line publication. Because of this payment the money has now run out perhaps a year or two earlier than expected. Hoffman is now coming under at times vitriolic attack in anarchist blogs and web sites for asking for his due, with many suggesting that he should have waived the fee. Some are posting hate articles just like those the EDL and other fascist groups have previously posted against photographers, myself and Hoffman included.

The EDL do this because reporting that throws light on their activities damages their cause, while these attacks from anarchists are because he caught Freedom using his work without payment. Hoffman has behaved professionally throughout, sensibly and lawfully. It wasn’t him but the publishers who messed up, and so it should be up to them and their supporters to meet the costs of their mistakes.

Perhaps those people who write condemning him should ask themselves if they themselves would be willing to donate £4000 to the public appeal that Freedom has now launched – as they are expecting Hoffman, who so far as I know is not a supporter of the organisation – to do. If so, everyone who does will keep Freedom going in print for another year. So please do put your money where your mouths are. You can find details of how to donate on the Subscribe page, and if £4000 is too much for you, a supporter subscription (the only level that pays its way) starts at £48 a year.

Pictet Power

Monday, July 30th, 2012

The theme for this year’s Prix Pictet is ‘Power’ and you can see an overview of the work by the 12 short-listed photographers on Lensculture, where there are 115 images from them. It’s better to watch the slide show, where they appear a little larger and better. It’s a well-designed slide-show, with captions that you don’t need to use a mouse to see and which don’t obscure the large images, and unlike some it works to show you the pictures without fuss. I only comment because so many sites do it badly.

I first came across the work of Mohamed Bourouissa Périphérique, 2006, made in the tougher suburbs of Paris on show at the  Galerie Fils de Calvaire in Nov 2008, and was impressed enough to write about it here. There are a few pictures I don’t remember in the lensculture slide show, but others that made a strong impression on me at the time and still do.

Daniel Beltrá‘s aerial images of oil spills, which I find mildly interesting in a nice magazine article kind of way, and while the colourist in me sometimes responds to Rena Effendi‘s images in ‘Still Life in the Zone’ from Chernobyl, in the main I find them curiously lacking as still life. This is work where for me the caption is sometimes more important and the pictures look better if I close my eyes.

I wrote at some length about Edmund Clark’s earlier project Still Life: Killing Time in 2007, and was similarly impressed by his ‘Guantanamo: If the Light Goes Out‘ which is up for this prize.  I did actually prepare a longer piece about this, but it never appeared on the web or in print. The reason was simple; I’d seen the work on the wall and had asked for and been promised a review copy, and had put my notes aside waiting for it to appear.  By now they are probably lost.

I’m a great fan of Robert Adams and actually bought several of his books when they first came out (including Denver, The New West, Prairie, Perfect Times… ) but his ‘Turning Back’ doesn’t quite do the same for me, and I think there are a few images in the slide show not up to his former standards. There is a nice interview with him about it on art21.

Philippe Chancel‘s ‘Fukushima: The Irresistible Power of Nature’ has some nice touches, but the presentation doesn’t really work on the scale of the web, becoming fussy but not very informative. I think this is something that really needs to be seen actual size in the gallery.

Luc Delahaye is the only photographer in the dozen who has not presented work from a single project or theme and I find it a little off-putting to jump from image to image. There are some powerful images and some real insight into the subjects in his work, but I think it loses from the diversity.

I think I am missing something in Jacqueline Hassink‘s ‘Arab Domains’ which appear to me to be interesting to students of slightly deranged interior design, but I’m not among them (I can do the slightly deranged but not the interior design.)

Carl De Keyzer‘s Moments Before the Flood as always in his work contains some amazing images, but sometimes they seem too contrived, movie sets rather than life. Perhaps this comes from the way the locations were carefully selected, by his two assistants prospecting for suitable sites on Google Earth.

I’m also a fan of Joel Sternfeld, but his When It Changed, 2007 doesn’t particularly arrest me.  I don’t really see the moment ‘when the horror of what they hear becomes visible on their faces‘ in his portraits taken at the 11th United Nations Conference on Climate Change, in Montreal in 2005. It’s perhaps work that is best seen in the context of his series of 4 book cycle, Sweet Earth, When it Changed, Oxbow Archive and iDubai, which Jessie Wender writes about in The New Yorker.

An-My Lê talks about her work on a California military base, ’29 Palms’ on blip-tv,  and you can read more about this and some of her other work at the Museum of Contemporary Photography. It isn’t work I find of particular interest as photography.

Guy Tillim by contrast works very much in the real thing, photographing at times in what seem very stressful situations in his ‘Congo Democratic’ in the DRC from 1997-2006.

I’ve seldom managed to predict the winner of any of photography’s major prizes, and usually my choice is the kiss of death. Were I on the panel I think I would be pushing for the prize to go to either Bourouissa or Clark, but not too unhappy if others preferred Tillim, De Keyzer or Chancel, and able to live with it going to Adams or Sternfeld because although I don’t feel the work they have presented warrants it they are both photographers with other work I admire.  So that leaves another five who must now be considered the favourites for the prize.

The winner will be announced on 9 Oct, and those of us in London will be able to see the pictures on show at the Saatchi gallery from 10-28 October 2012.

Bears on the March

Friday, July 27th, 2012

The first event I wanted to cover on Saturday 14 July was a march calling on the ‘Ministry of Defence’ to stop using real animal fur in its uniforms. On Whitehall we have an Old War Office from the days when they didn’t mince words and weren’t afraid to name spades. Opposite it on Horse Guards Ave is a vast and sinister looking building, a truly Orwellian edifice in appearance and name, the Ministry of Defence. And some of those guards who stand around at Horse Guards opposite and in front of Buck Palace as a tourist attraction do so in silly large furry caps, which I’d call a busby.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Canadian black bears are hunted and shot for the fur to make these. Hunting is often a cruel way to kill animals, with many being wounded and taking some time to die, perhaps escaping the hunters to die slowly in the woods.

Apparently the MoD (short for Ministry of Warmongers) has promised it would stop using fur in uniforms, but claims it can’t find a suitable replacement for these caps. There are of course perfectly good synthetic furs, but these somehow can’t meet the ministry specifications. Probably because these specify that they must include the dried blood of a hunted animal. These really are just hats, consderably less useful in war than a chocolate teapot (which you could at least eat.) Not only is using real fur cruelty to animals, it is also cruelty to taxpayers, part of the phenomenal overspend the MoD specialises in.

I was told to be there for 10.00 sharp, and arrived a few minutes later to find it was raining rather hard, and things seemed unlikely to get going for a very long time. So I left them for my next assignment, half and hour away in north London.  I worked out I had time to cover that and make the journey back to the finishing point of the PETA march, Marble Arch around the time they should be coming up Park Lane.

By the time I got to Marble Arch, the rain had almost stopped and I found a dry spot to sit down, read a book and eat my sandwiches. I took a trip on the bus down to Hyde Park Corner to see if I could see them coming, but there was no sign of them, and I’d forgotten to write down the route they were taking. So I went back to Marble Arch to wait.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Around 1pm a small group of police motorcyclists arrived, and I knew something was expected. Ten minutes later I saw them in the distance coming along the west carriageway of Park Lane and rushed down to take a few pictures as they marched along. I found it a little difficult as things were too uniform, everyone marching dressed in black, and holding the same circular notice, and although most of them had bear masks, these were mainly on the top of people’s heads.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

At Marble Arch they stood and posed for a few minutes for photographs, and were told to put their masks on, and things got rather easier to photograph. Most of the other photographers seemed busy taking the overall view with the banner and Marble Arch, but although I took a frame or two it didn’t interest me. First I went into the crowd behind the front row or two so I could work without spoiling their view, and concentrated on some closer views of marchers, then I came back to the front and was able to work more closely there as the others already had their pictures.

For my lead image on Demotix I have to have one in landscape format, but I think the picture I chose is actually better in the portrait version.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

and I took several versions of this, though I can’t decide which is best, which is usually a bad sign. There were a few images I quite liked, but really the less than five minutes at Marble Arch wasn’t quite long enough for me to get the most out of the event.

More pictures at PETA ‘Spare the Bears’ March on My London Diary, and you can also see pictures from the other event I covered that morning, a very wet protest outside a letting agent’s offices on the Holloway Rd who take £300 deposits from people desperate for homes and fail to refund this when they decline to find anywhere suitable for them to live.  It was raining hard all the time I was there and I was pleased to get anything usable for Tenants Protest Letting Agents Scam.

© 2012, Peter Marshall


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


Canal Torture

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

Some time ago I remember saying that Milton Keynes, where my elder son lives, was only around 50 miles away by canal, and that it would be possible to get there by cycling along the towpath. It was loose talk that I regretted when I did so earlier this week.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

In fact the distance along the towpath is around 48 miles, but you have to add a bit at each end, perhaps another 10 miles. On good roads an easy afternoon ride.

But canal towpaths are generally not built for speed, although there are some sections with a good surface, others parts seem designed more as an obstacle course for cyclists. Parts are simply grass, which isn’t too bad, though it does slow you down, but often hidden in the grass are rabbit holes, half-buried bricks and worse. Sometimes there are deep ruts (fortunately after a short dry spell, most of the mud was as hard as rock.)

Even in some parts that have been carefully made up, the materials chosen have been – almost certainly deliberately – hazardous for cycles – such as large loose stones. The bridges and lock sides were originally built for horses, and include very short stretches too near to vertical to be cycle-friendly; at times I was sliding down stretches of loose material with both brakes full on and the wheels locked, and often had to dismount and push the bike up the last couple of yards.

Some of the newer replacement bridges have also been carefully designed to discourage cycling, and in a few places it is simply impossible to avoid carrying your bike up or down steps.

There are a few places with large holes in the path that a wheel could readily go through, and others where overhanging branches create a real hazard and my companion got a hefty blow from the end of a carelessly cut branch extending at head height across the path.

© 2012, Peter Marshall
Open sheds between the canal and old Great Western main line

I started  my journey along the canal by falling rather hard into a bush as I carried the loaded bike down some steps, and had blood streaming down my right arm, with several nasty cuts. Later falling around with the bike at various places I got several moderately deep leg wounds and I’m still suffering from an injury to my ribs which makes every movement painful – especially coughing and sneezing which is a problem with current high pollen levels. Although I can find a position in bed where the pain is hardly noticeable, I move slightly in my sleep and pain wakes me up at intervals thorugh the night.

© 2012, Peter Marshall
Old and new canal side – Industry is demolished and flats take its place
© 2012, Peter Marshall

The hot weather didn’t help either, and caused disastrous changes in my sugar levels. Several times on the way to Milton Keynes I simply had to dismount and lay down for a few minutes, eating sugary snacks or drinking sweetened lemonade to recover. On the way back I managed to drink enough of such things to keep ahead, though I was near collapse a couple of times in the last three miles.

Most of the people we met on the towpath were friendly and polite, and made way for us to get past, though going through the outskirts of Hemel Hempstead in both directions the path was blocked by small groups of women and children who simply refused to give way, just ignored us totally. Many of the canal dwellers do spread rather across the towpath, and it sometimes felt as if we were riding through someone’s living room, but all of them did move out of our way, often with a friendly remark. A few people seemed to regard cyclists as a deadly danger, pulling back away from the path while we were 50 yards away and cringing by the hedge until after we had passed. Other cyclists generally gave us plenty of room, though we did have a few head to head encouters under bridges; I’d meant to put a bell on the bike for the journy but forgot, and outside London few people seemed to ring them before going under the bridges – which are normally ‘blind’ for those coming in either direction.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

We would have been better on off-road bikes. My frame is too large, making it slightly tricky to dismount in a standing position, and has a longer wheelbase than most. The suspension is non-existent, designed for racing, and the drop handlebars tranmit every imperfection of the road surface to your hands, and up through your arms to your shoulders and neck. By the time I arrived at MK my palms were swollen and blistered, and by the time I got back home there were blisters on my blisters.

I didn’t take many pictures. Partly becuase pretty landscape isn’t really my thing, but more because I didn’t want to stop and then have to start again. So most of those I did take where when I’d stopped for other reasons.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

I’d also started out with a camera hanging around my neck normally. I walk around for hours many days without this being a problem – and usually I have two of them there. But after half an hour or so it was obvious this wasn’t going to work and was beginning to be painful. Putting my right arm through the strap so the weight was on my left shoulder helped, but the strap was too tight to take pictures with it carried like this. I had to stop and put my arm back through the strap to use the camera.

I’d taken the D700 rather than the D800E because I don’t yet have a spare battery for the latter, and though it lasts a day with ease, two might have been too much. Probably I needn’t have worried, as on the D700, although I had it switched on for probably around 20 hours all told (I took a few pictures in MK as well) I’d only taken 141 pictures in all and the battery is still reading 97%. It’s a replacement rather than a real Nikon battery, and those I have do give significanly more pictures from each charge.

On the journey there I left the 28-300 Sigma on the camera; its a lens whose only advantage is its relatively light weight, and I had a Nikon 20mm f2.8 (FX) in my cycle bag. For the return journey I put the lighter 20mm on the camera and kept the Sigma in the bag.

Things were a little easier coming home. I suppose it was slightly downhill, but I think the real difference was tackling some of the worst riding surfaces earlier in the day when we were fresher. Being a little more careful about keeping my sugar levels up and not becoming so dehydrated also helped. Even getting a puncture in my front tyre from a most impressive thorn near Tring didn’t hold us up too long, but the whole journey still took around 8 hours. Canals certainly weren’t built for high speed transport.

I managed to have a meal when I arrived home, then fell asleep, waking up sufficiently an hour later to wash up and then go to bed.  Today I’m still in some pain and pretty wasted, so I’ve only done what was essential.

Of course there were some real high points of the ride that I’ve not mentioned – and I think that I failed to photograph, perhaps because they were not truly photogenic. Going through the canal cutting at Tring on bike is a very special experience, even more so than walking through it (which I’ve done a few times before.) There is a special kind of stillness on a bicycle, you can stop pedalling and the only noise is the wheels going over the odd twig and the wind in the trees, with the dappled sun coming through onto the canal. Your approach on near-silent wheels disturbs the wildlife less than footfalls, and is often fast enough to catch a duck or heron unaware as you sweep past inches from them. There was some magic, but I failed completely to catch that in my few pictures.

I’ve cycled by canals, and photographed them for many years. Back in the days when I started, you had to pay for a licence to do so, and I got stopped a few times for not having one. Eventually I did bother to get a licence (they were pretty cheap) and finally for a few years they were actually free before the British Waterways Board abandoned the whole idea.  I’ll cycle along the canals again – some are excellent traffic free routes, such at that beside the Lea Navigation currently closed for the Olympics, where I photographed a picnic protest last weekend, but like many pleasures it is one that is better taken in small doses.

More pictures from the journey in due course on My London Diary.

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International Brigades Remembered

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Taking pictures of relatively simple events isn’t always easy, and mostly I was pleased with the picture above, which shows Spanish Civil War veteran David Loman, born in 1918, who went from the East End to fight in 1936, unveiling a new plaque at the base of the International Brigades memorial in London’s Jubilee Gardens.

The gardens have recently seen something of a makeover, and the new plaque adds a fuller explanation of the role played by the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War – as can be read in the closer image.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

The unveiling took place during the annual commemoration held at the memorial by the International Brigades Memorial Trust, an event which I’ve covered a number of times over the years. You can see more of my pictures from this year in Sacrifice For Spain Remembered on My London Diary, and a search on the site will find you some of the previous years. When I first photographed there were of course rather more veterans able to attend.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

It isn’t a huge event, perhaps several hundred people, and relatively few photographers, and I was able to think about where to stand to photograph the unveiling – without of course getting in the way. But things are never entirely predictable (and thank goodness) and the picture isn’t exactly as I planned it, though perhaps none the worse for that. I wanted the wreaths and in particular that from the Jewish ex-servicemens’ association AJEX at the bottom left and the flag at top left as well as a part of the crowd watching, but wasn’t sure before it actually happened exactly where David Loman would stand or how the flag that had been covering the plaque would look when it was pulled away.

It all happened very quickly, but I managed to catch one frame where the plaque was still partly hidden and Loman was looking down at it and in my direction. I had the camera on single frame as I find it the best way to get the exact moment – though you do risk missing it completely. Perhaps it would have been better to work at 5 frames per second – I was using the D700 with the 16-35mm lens, but for some reason I hadn’t thought to do so. More often I use the slower continuous speed of 3 fps, which has the advantage that it is still possible to also take single frames by taking your finger off the release quickly.

It isn’t a great picture, but I think is a good recording of the particular event.  Some things perhaps don’t lend themselves to great images.


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


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Pride on Foot

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

© 2012, Peter Marshall

This year’s Pride event in London was once again a Pride March, because of problems over funding, with the various authorities at the last minute calling for large amounts of cash in case anything went wrong. For a while it looked as if the whole thing might be called off this year, and there were apparently some heated arguments and resignations before it was decided to go ahead without any vehicles  in the procession.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

For many of us, particularly photographers, this was a decided advantage, making the event more interesting to photograph. People on lorries seldom make good pictures, often obscured by parts of the lorry or its decorations. From street level you are looking up from a few feet below , seldom a good viewpoint, and you can’t get close to people. Occasionally before parades start you can get onto the floats to take pictures, but this is time-consuming. I’ve generally got better photographs before people get up onto floats when they are milling around on the pavement before the start.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

It was also a change that gave less emphasis to the corporates who sponsor the floats, and more to the other groups and individuals that take part. Around ten or 15 years ago the event changed from something of a personal and political statement to a parade celebrating gay clubs and businesses and major corporations. There were still the individuals and organisations and politics, but increasingly these were marginalised in what was entertainment rather than protest.  Getting rid of the floats brought back some of the old atmosphere.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Pride is one of the few events which I usually find it worth getting accreditation for, as it is pretty vital if you want to photograph along the parade route. In the event I only did so for a few minutes, as while the actual march was taking place I went to photograph a couple of other events.

In my diary I had three other things listed that were taking place in London that morning. One I’d received an invitation which invited me to sign up and give my mobile number, with a promise that I would get a text telling me where the protest was taking place. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for that text (I think they simply tweeted instead.) So instead I went to another planned protest for which I had a time and place, but no contact phone number, and I arrived a few minutes late but there was no sign of anyone. Later I did see a few pictures and it was a very small protest indeed, so perhaps it was there but I missed it. But there was yet another event taking place that I wanted to photograph,but had thought I would not be able to make, and a short tube journey took me there. By the time that had more or less finished and I travelled back to where the Pride march was finishing, most of it had already arrived, but I with my accreditation I was able to go onto the roadway and take a few more pictures.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Pride is a big event, and it would be possible to tell many different stories. The more flamboyant people and costumes certainly attract a great deal of attention from photographers, and they are of course a part of the story, but I like also to cover  the rest of it, trying to take at least one photograph of every banner and significant group taking part, though I always miss a few. In particular I like to make sure to get a decent picture of people in groups I think important – such as Stonewall and the trade unions.

So perhaps my view of Pride is perhaps rather different from that of most photographers. You can judge for yourself on WorldPride London on My London Diary which includes over a hundred pictures , roughly one tenth of those that I took of the event.


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


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June Summary

Monday, July 16th, 2012

June was certainly no summery, but cold and wet, which in part amounts for me covering rather fewer events than usual. Things I think important I’ll go and photograph in the rain, but others I think ‘I’ll do it if it’s a nice day’, and so this June I didn’t. But perhaps its more that I had a week away from London at the start of the month. Anyway, here’s the full list:

Congolese Protest
Sudanese march in London
Missiles Out Of East London
Walking to Waterloo
Cleaners sacked At RBC
No to Torture Vigil

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Cleaners at John Lewis
Climate Siren’s Royal Protest
Fathers Day Vigil
Hare Krishna Chariot Festival
Diggers at Runnymede

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Carnival of Dirt
Stop The War – No Intervention in Syria
LSE Cleaners Protest
Sikhs Remember 1984

© 2012, Peter Marshall

Naked Cyclists Ride Against Oil
Rally Against ACTA
Devon Holiday
No to Colombian Gold Mine


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


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Just Before the Olympics

Monday, July 16th, 2012

© 1982, Peter Marshall
In the 1980s the land now occupied by Westfield was full of railway and railway works

I’m almost certainly committing a crime under the draconian Olympic branding laws ( London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act, 2006 and Olympic Symbol (Protection) Act, 2005)which forbid anyone to mention the ‘O’ word, London, 2012, gold and almost anything else when I post this about the book I brought out in 2010, Before the Olympics.

© 1982, Peter Marshall
Sites like this on Stratford Marsh were still busy at work until the Olympic takeover

It is I think the only publication which gives a long-term look at the lower Lea Valley over the thirty or so years before the current calamity, and gives the lie to some of the sillier pronouncements about the area being a ‘wasteland’. It shows an area of great diversity, with significant industry, housing and recreational areas and facilities which was a valuable resource, although of course there were parts which were very much in need of improvement in different ways – though none needing the kind of senseless makeover they have received.

© 2005, Peter Marshall
Some famous graffiti on a footbridge

After an act of Parliament prohibited noxious industries within London in 1844, the area just outside the metropolitan area along the Lea became home to many of them, and there are still some around. Recycling may sound nice and a fine green activity, but in practice it can be on the messy side.

© 2005, Peter Marshall

The Lea valley became one of the key sites of Britain’s second industrial revolution, and was badly hit by the de-industrialisation of the 1970s and accelerated in the Thatcher years, but in place of the larger factories that went bust or moved out and moved abroad, many small businesses took their place in the low cost sites that were left.

© 2005, Peter Marshall
Banner Chemicals on City Mill River – until the Olympics came

© 2005, Peter Marshall
Cafe at East Cross Centre, Waterden Rd, 2005

Westfield and a part of the athletes village are on what was a cold store and a freightliner depot until the 1990s, and there was also the London International Freight terminal. Some of this land was in use until recently for the fabrication of concrete units for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. But the Stratford City development which produced Westfield was planned before the Olympics and would have gone ahead had we not won the bid. It’s certainly good for the council, but I’m not convinced it is a very positive development for the area as a whole.

© 2005, Peter Marshall

The Eastway Cycle Circuit was not just a large and popular cycle track, it was also a great nature reserve, and adjoining it was an actual nature reserve, Bully Fen. The footpaths, particularly those beside the various waterways and those waterways themselves were also teeming with nature.

© 2007, Peter Marshall

The Clay’s Lane estate was built as a housing cooperative for  vulnerable single people in the 1970s, providing genuinely affordable housing in an environment designed to promote community. On the edge of it was a tower block of student housing, and a camp site for travellers. Its replacement, for a few weeks accommodating the athletes, will then be largely flats for the wealthy from outside the area making money for the overseas owners.

© 2005, Peter Marshall
A local landmark, now tidied away for the Olympics

It was also an area with some interesting surprises, such as this old boat behind the City Mill lock, recently cleared away. It’s not quite clear what the legacy area will be like at the moment, and how open much of it will be to the casual wanderer. We know that some things that would have been useful – such as the bridge taking the Greenway  across the Stratford High Street – are going to be demolished, and that other pretty useless and undesirable things will stay, and it seems likely that many if not most of the promises made before the Olympics about restitution will be reneged upon.

The pictures with this post come from my web site,  The Lea Valley – River Lea:  London’s Second River on which the book ‘Before the Olympics‘ was based and which has a wider selection of images than the 270 or so in the book. Before the Olympics is still available from Blurb or slightly more cheaply direct from me for UK addresses only.


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


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Getting Ideas – Ami Vitale

Monday, July 16th, 2012

One of my favourite photographers, Ami Vitale, talks to Grover Sanschagrin of Photoshelter about finding ideas and inspiration and being thoughtful in photography, and of making sure your body of work builds to something you can be proud of.

She comes up when asked with seven ‘top tactics’ to find great story ideas:

1. Read voraciously
2. Talk to many different kinds of people
3. Localise and humanize bigger issues.
4. Think visually about an idea.
5. Write a lot. Put your ideas on paper.
6. Be an observer of life.
7. Trust your own instincts!

You really have to listen to her explaining these to get the full meaning of some of these, and she goes on to discuss the last point in more detail making two further important points:

  •  Practice
  • Don’t be afraid to fail

The talk is illustrated with some of Ami’s fine pictures – and you can see more on her web site.


© 2005, Peter Marshall

It was a memorable occasion for me when I met Ami in a castle in Poland in 2005, and later she gave an equally inspirational talk about her work at the festival – and I photographed her badly in the dimly lit lecture hall using a Canon compact. Afterwards she photographed me with her Nikon.

© 2005, Peter Marshall

And then we all played photographers silly games with cameras over far more pizza than we could eat.

© 2005, Peter Marshall

Including Eikoh Hosoe who was using a bright pink camera-phone!

© 2005, Peter Marshall

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June 30

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

The last day of June was a busy one for me, though perhaps not especially productive. The main event I wanted to cover was a march in London’s East End against the siting of missiles there during the Olympics. There seems to be an assumption behind this that in the unlikely event of an aircraft getting through the air exclusion zone to target the Olympic site it would be preferable to shoot it down so that it lands on East Londoners rather than those attending the Olympics, and that isn’t something Londoners are comfortable with. Many also feel that these missile sites – including a couple on the roof of residential buildings – could themselves become terrorist targets. It would certainly have been less contentious if the sites chosen had been office buildings – and there is no shortage of those around – rather than homes.

© 2012, Peter Marshall
Kids on scooters with other things to do go past the front of the march

Previously there had been a well-attended and widely reported protest meeting about the issue, and the march itself had been given some publicity in the evening newspaper and on the air, so I went expecting a large event. Arriving at the area of parkland where it was gathering I was surprised to find relatively few people there, with the media almost outnumbering the participants. I think almost every photographer I know in London must have been there, along with a number of videographers, including some filming for major channels.

© 2012, Peter Marshall
A couple listen to the speeches

There were some points of interest, and speakers included Brian Whelan, whose revelation of the missiles that were being put on his roof in the ‘Bow Quarter’ led to the missiles becoming public knowledge – and to him being given notice by the landlord.  There were a small group of protesters from Occupy London I’ve photographed at various events, carrying or wearing ‘Anonymous’ masks who got some special attention from the police liaison officers. The police too had obviously expected more and where out in force, though most kept a few hundred yards away and I think went away as the march started and they realised it was only a few hundred people.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

It was of course a busy day with many other things happening, and even if they oppose the missiles I think most Londoners feel that whatever they do the Olympics and the growing security clampdown we are experiencing is unstoppable – whatever we do it will go ahead – and so protests are not worth the effort.  At least as some said to me, the Olympics will soon be over, though whether we will ever get rid of the increasing controls being imposed under the largely imagined threat of terrorism remains to be seen. But the missiles will surely go, along the with soldiers and ships, even if the huge area of the Olympic site remains a privately administered park where there will continue to be great restrictions on our freedoms.

It will also have been converted into a hugely manicured area. I can’t see it as any kind of gain that the kingfishers who used to live wild now will have carefully constructed and sited nesting boxes, that what in part used to be a wilderness through which we could roam more or less freely will now be  carefully controlled plantings, neat paths and flowerbeds with shag pile grass in place of the old diverse growth. And while we may dream of the removal of all those 10 foot high electric security fences, I suspect they will be a part of the legacy.

© 2012, Peter Marshall
The missiles will be on one of the two towers on the converted match factory

It rubs salt into the wounds of some that one of the missile sites is the ‘Bow Quarter’, a gated development of expensive flats in the former Bryant & May match factory, a truly iconic (perhaps the most overused word in this Olympic year) location in labour history. Plaques on the outside wall recall Annie Besant and the 1888 matchgirls’ strike , when 1400 women walked out after some were victimised for refusing to sign a management letter saying they were happy with the working conditions – poor pay, long hours, fines for talking and other trivial ‘offences’ and disfiguring and painful illness and death from phosijaw (bone cancer) from the company’s insistence on continuing to use white phosphorus, already banned on health grounds in the US and Sweden – after Besant had published the terrible details.

© 2012, Peter Marshall

The march ended with a short rally outside the missile site. It has more or less identical towers and missiles will be sited on one of them, possibly not the one in my pictures which is closer to the road but further from the Olympic site. The blue plaque at the left of the picture is about the history of the site.

More pictures on Missiles Out Of East London, and also on My London Diary you can see pictures from the two events I rushed back into the centre of London to cover as the protest in Bow ended, Congolese Protest and Sudanese march in London.


My London Diary : Buildings of London : River Lea/Lee Valley : London’s Industrial Heritage

All photographs on this and my other sites, unless otherwise stated are by Peter Marshall and are available for reproduction or can be bought as prints.

To order prints or reproduce images


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