Celebrating Murder

© 2010, Peter Marshall

I would probably have gone to the Israeli Embassy to photograph the demonstration organised by the Zionist Federation UK to support the action of the Israeli armed forces in storming the Gaza flotilla and killing nine of the peace activists on board in any case. But hearing that the English Defence League (EDL) intended to add their support to the demonstration made me determined to go along to photograph it.

© 2010, Peter Marshall

On its Facebook page, the English Defence League (EDL) Jewish Division shortly after commented “In a show of solidarity with Israel, EDL supporters did not fly any flags except the Israeli flag. The support of the EDL was noticed within the crowd – our flags flew high and proud” and elsewhere on the page a member asserts that 5 or 6 of them actually took part in the protest, while another small group of EDL sat and watched from the other side of the road “waiting incase anything kicked off” (sic)  and that one of them was possibly arrested. Over 500 people have expressed that they ‘like’ the Facebook group

Although I was pleased to read that the Board of Deputies of British Jews has condemned the EDL’s supposed support for Israel, some of the statements reported from people in the Zionist Federation before and at the event appeared to welcome their support, although I think later they made clear their opposition.

According to the [not] english defence league jewish division blog, one of the supporters of the EDL Jewish Division, former CST (Community Security Trust) member, Mark Israel, claims Jews should back the EDL as an alternative to existing community groups. Later I was pleased to read it reported that the EDL’s “advances have been swiftly rebuffed by Jewish leaders”

There was an England flag along with the many Jewish ones, and a man with an explicitly anti-Muslim placards. And although I cannot positively confirm the EDL claims that there were a number of them among the demonstrators I have no reason to doubt it.

© 2010, Peter Marshall

While responsible Jewish organisations around the world at least expressed regret at the loss of life during the boarding of the flotilla, I heard nothing of this from those demonstrating. Their mood seemed to be exultant, stressing their support for Squadron 13 who had carried out the killings. At one point a section of the crowd at least was chanting ‘dead Palestinian scum‘.

I know that many Jews do not share these feelings. Some indeed were a few yards down the street in a counter-demonstration together with Muslims and others.  My own view is that peace can only be achieved through talking to people, not by blockades but by negotiations. And as history has shown in Ireland, South Africa and elsewhere around the world it means talking to people who you don’t like and who you call terrorists.

More text and pictures from the demonstrations opposite the Israeli Embassy on My London Diary.

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