Posts Tagged ‘card’

Christmas Greetings

Friday, December 25th, 2020

I’m writing this a couple of days before Christmas, as I hope not to be spending much time on my computer on Christmas Day, and certainly not working on it, though of course it won’t be Christmas as usual.

Here is the picture from the Christmas Card picture that I’ve already sent to some of my photographer friends (other people get more normal cards from Traidcraft as they might not appreciate some of the things I’ve chosen some years.)

I had to use a picture from December 2019 as I’d not been out to take any suitable images this year.

I hope you’ll all have a good day; at least I think mine will be a little more relaxed than usual though of course I’ll miss seeing family members; doubtless some will appear on Skype. But it isn’t the same.

I’ll still drink a glass or two of a decent wine and still decline the Chrismas pudding in favour of some ice cream, perhaps with some homemade bamble sorbet. If the weather is fine the two of us here will perhaps go for a walk after our Christmas dinner. We certainly won’t watch that speech, in line with my Christmas tradition of avoiding it for at least 60 years.

And perhaps we will look at some photographs or watch a film. And try hard to avoid the tedious jollity of Christmas radio (and TV) programming. It won’t be a bad day here even if there is much we will miss. One thing I’ll be glad to miss this year is the travelling, not on Christmas Day itself but usually on the days before or around the New Year, long journeys in over-crowded trains.

So my best wishes for today to you all. And let’s just hope that things will soon be better.