Photography is Over?

You can watch J M Coelburg of Conscientious on a YouTube clip suggesting that we admit that we might as well admit that photography is over and we could then “end all those debates, panel discussions and blog articles about whether photography is over or dead”. It was, he says, “good while it lasted.”

I notice that YouTube lists the clip under the category ‘Entertainment’ and it has what I assume is a deliberately deadpan delivery. But looking at some current shows and some of the sites and books that Coelburg mentions on his blog I sometimes get the feeling that if not over, photography has certainly got itself pretty lost. But fortunately if you look in the right places there is still plenty of good stuff, and not just in the history books.

One Response to “Photography is Over?”

  1. You could alternatively have spent rather a long time being bored at SFMoMA

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